Achievements / Awards
Shiv Chattrapati Awardees from College
CACPE Students achieve number of Prizes and Positions at different Competition and Sports at all levels. The Govt. of Maharashtra awards outstanding Sportsmen with Shiv Chattrapati Awards for excellence in Sports & Games. The CACPE students who received the prestigious Shiv Chattrapati Awards during their course at CACPE are given below:
Chattrapati AwardeesPh.D Awardees from College & MPhil. Awardees from CACPE
As you all are aware that CACPE is a recognized M.Phil. and Ph.D. Centre (SPPU) in Physical Education. Number of candidates conduct their research from CACPE centre. The list of candidates who have received Ph.D. and M.Phil. from CACPE centre is given below:
Ph.D. DeclarationMPhil Declaration
Pride of CACPE
- Mr. Milind Kshirsagar, Year 2012-13
- Mr. Sanjay Bahilume, Year 2013-14
- Mrs. Shobha Nikam, Year 2014-15
- Mr. Rajendra Raut, Year 2015-16
- Dr. Dattatray Mahadam, Year 2016-17
- Mr. Shailesh Apte, Year 2017-18
- Dr. Manoj Reddy, Year 2018-19
- Mr. Dinesh Gund, Year 2019-2020
- Prof. (Dr.) Deepak Mane, Year 2020-2021
- Ms. Anuradha Yedke, Year 2021-2022